Cancellation/ Refund Policy
Two business days before class start date 100% refund of any amount above the initial deposited amount. Refund request must be made in person and are issued within 30 days of cancellation date and will be sent via US mail. I acknowledge by my signature below that:
1. I have received, read, and agree with RN and Associates LLC policies and procedures as written;
2. Meet all admission requirements as outlined in the policies and procedures of RN and Associates LLC;
3. I agree to submit payment for tuition and fees as outlined above and that this document becomes a legal and binding contract once completed and signed by both parties;
4. Financial obligations of the program have been explained to me;
5. I do not have any physical or mental limitations that would jeopardize the resident, me, faculty or staff to any harm.
RN Associates ® 245 Northland Blvd. Cincinnati,OH 45246
260 Northland Suite 322 Blvd. Cincinnati,, Ohio 45246